This tutorial outlines the basic functions of the GNS through a simple CLI interface. This is not an example of how to interface with the GNS for application development, but serves as an example of the basic functionality of the GNS.

Prerequisites: Download and setup the GNS according to the instructions on the Getting Started page. You should have your terminal open in the base of the appropriate GNS directory.

Start the GNS server

Start a single-node, local GNS server as

bin/ restart all

This will run the GNS with a local, single-node configuration. More sophisticated deployment configurations are discussed on the Getting Started page

Start the CLI client

Start the command-line interface (CLI) client as


Upon starting the CLI client, you should see output like below with a prompt

GNS Client Version: 1.17_2016-5-16_build2010
Connected to GNS.
GNS CLI - Connected to GNS>

Create an account as follows using your own email address as

GNS CLI - Connected to GNS>account_create some_password
Created an account with GUID 673B591F0558A4699493CA5BFF7FC8DFE4466347.

The above will email a verification code to the specified email address if email verification is enabled. You can enable it by removing the -disableEmailVerification flag in the properties file conf/ being implicitly used here. If email verification is enabled, you would need to enter the verification code from the email as follows; if not, you can skip to the next step.

GNS CLI ->account_verify 596E11
Account verified.

Create a field in the created GUID as

GNS CLI ->field_update count 12345
Value '12345' written to field count for GUID 1FFCBCD4DC0E59840BA2E5313239C5240A296734

Now read it back as

GNS CLI ->read

Type help to see a list of all supported commands.